Sunday, July 5, 2009


I know so little about this subject but have been impressed with an insight in the form of a question lately. The question is this:

Is it preferable to:
1...have love demonstrated in meaningful ways....
2...simply be loved...(truly)

I am thinking in personal terms as well as spiritual terms. I think we often think we can prove we love by doing....and we fall into the trap of works which do not neccessarily prove we love...only that we wish to be seen to love. At the same time, if we love, we will show it in our actions...but it won't matter so much that we are seen to love...simply that we do love.

I guess there are times when we need to act...(to demonstrate in meaningful ways) to demonstrate our desire to love when we find our love inadequate...and maybe there is a fine line (but there is a line) between the demonstration of and the actual fact of love. I think I see how Father desires the truth of love rather than the deeds.... Deeds can be done without the truth...but the truth can't exist without the deeds. I'm praying that Father will teach me to love as He does....truly.


jessica jespersen said...

I guess i want both of the kinds of love that you describe. The *feelings* or "romantic" love is the love that punctuates certain events during the course of married life....or our relationship and understanding of God. The "love is an act of my will" kind of love is the one that carries us when the feelings are absent...or less than what we long for. Some years are years when new seeds of romance, or spiritual epiphany are scattered, and other years are "root" years when the acts of our will carry us through to a production year. Neither kind would be enough on it's own. I believe they are joined... and where one is, the other will soon follow.

paige said...

i agree with jess - and i feel like when we act on our love, our love grows too - because selflessness is like that...

mamazee said...

and here is daughter #3 :)
i read this and thought of that verse James 2:18
But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.

I think there's a lot of wisdom there. I love my husband, but he *knows* he is loved when i tell him or do something for him. Same with my children. it's all well and good that they *know* they are loved, but they *experience* love by actions or words...

To be loved truly, completely, perfectly - that's God. To be loved wholeheartedly by another imperfect being is probably the sweetest thing this side of heaven...